Client: Merchant Land
Architect: Studio Downie Architects LLP
The 61-65 Charlotte Street redevelopment, situated in the London Borough of Camden, approximately 500m north of Oxford Street will create a new, two-storey offi ce development in a land-locked courtyard behind a run of three, five storey Georgian town houses. These will be refurbished as part of the overall development to create eight high-end residential properties above first floor level, two ground level commercial units in No.63 and No.65, with No.61 being the reception area for the office development to the rear. The whole of the lower ground floor level, including beneath the residential block, will be incorporated into the office demise.
The refurbishment to the townhouses will retain the majority of the existing fabric but include new floor plates throughout, alterations to the rear fenestration, new internal partition layouts, parapet extensions and the inclusion of a new roof top mansards.
The works will be constructed using a mixture of reinforced concrete and steel frame construction, timber joist floors on steel beams, reinforced concrete slabs on metal decking on steel beams and load bearing masonry. The new-build works will require the full demolition of the offi ce structure currently occupying the rear courtyard and replacement with a reinforced concrete frame with fl at slabs incorporating large floor openings with the concrete surfaces exposed in the fi nished state. The existing levels at lower ground will be nominally reduced throughout to create a level floor plate within the office, which will require underpinning to some of the perimeter party and internal walls